Got the sensors attached, connected, and tested while watching some of the FIRST Championship matches from Atlanta this morning.

front facing Sharp GP2Y0D810Z0F digital IR and Maxbotix EZ-1 sonar distance sensors
This robot will find and drive toward obstacles, stopping short of hitting them. The Maxbotix sonar will find distant obstacles and keep the robot on path towards the selected one. The Sharp IR sensors will trigger around 10cm to stop the robot short of contact. After it finds the obstacle, it will spin around and target another. At least that's the theory...
I also found how to embed scrollable text in the blog (use Scribd) which will be handy for the next phase of the project - writing the code for the master and slave Arduinos.
Here's the Arduino code for testing the sensors:
CoasterBot Sensors TestSample output:
Test Output
The Black Dog
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